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Professional Painting and Drywall Services
LIVINGMURALS Professional Painting and Drywall Services is aware that your house is a creative work of art. Paint your walls and enhance them with the signature of confidence you expect. Yours.
Place your project on the calendar by beginning with a free color consultation and estimate.
Drywall repairs are included within the estimate and are 99% dust free to ensure skilled results whether it be one area or your entire home. Caulking is additionally included within the estimate and upon acceptance of the work proposal the project begins.
The details of where to begin and when are carefully considered to assure an expedient and stress free transition of your area into the atmosphere you are creating. Once the project is finished you would have never guessed that an attractive coat of precisely applied paint could make you feel so good!
Residential House Painting
Due to extensive experience in preparing houses for resale, Livingmurals considers the value of your home while helping you to make important choices in regard to colors, style, and personal decorating decisions.
Quality paint has a lot more to do with increasing your enjoyment in your investment than choosing the most notable paint brand or painter available in your city or town.
Everyone can paint, but not everyone is sure they are going to get the results that they envision.
Since 1987 Livingmurals has increased the value, interest, homes, and lives
of those whom sought professional assistance, with professionally applied paint.
Specialties Include
Entire Home Painting, Drywall Repair and Finishing, Caulking, Wallpaper Removal, Kitchen Cabinet Paint, Faux Finishes, and Wall Murals
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